There's no limit to how much extra you can do to help our "Jelly Baby Song" project!

As well as sales of our song - you can donate 100% of any extra funds raised for "Jelly Baby Song" directly to JDRF via our Team Cure Diabetes online account page.

Read on and follow the links provided for some fun and effective ways to do even more towards curing Type 1 Diabetes!


Just imagine how much you could raise at your school - whether you're a student or a staff member!

For a start - taking the initiative to promote our song and our project at your next school assembly, staff meeting, student council or charity day can increase our digital downloads - and raise awareness of our mission to cure Type 1 Diabetes!

Maybe you can organise a Recess or Lunch stall to sell hotdogs, cakes, or something else yummy to raise funds for "Jelly Baby Song"?

Why not see if your school would stage a "Jelly Baby Song" Day where everyone donates a gold coin to our cause?

How much fun would it be if you incorporated "Jelly Baby Song" in your Music class, as a classroom sing-a-long - or coordinated a group of friends to learn the song and perform it for donations at your next school concert or assembly?

All the funds you raise can be....
to "Jelly Baby Song"!


Apart from encouraging everyone at your workplace to purchase and download "Jelly Baby Song" - your place of employment can be a great place to fundraise for our project, and have everyone help with a very worthy cause!

Why not stage a "gold coin donation" morning tea/afternoon tea/lunch for your workmates - or circulate our website link to other sections and branches of your company who you may not normally associate with?

Getting "out there" to everyone, everywhere
will define the success or failure of our project!

If you're in a more executive role - why not promote "Jelly Baby Song" at your next staff meeting - or even consider making a company donation to our Team Cure Diabetes account?

All funds raised can be....
to "Jelly Baby Song"!


Do you play music yourself, or in a band?

Are you a member of a music club, venue team, or festival event?

Just imagine what a difference you can make by learning "Jelly Baby Song" and staging a "gold coin donation" performance of "Jelly Baby Song" at your music club?

If you believe in the cause - you could donate part profits of your gig, or ask your audience to stage a collection to help cure Type 1 Diabetes?

Remember to encourage as many download purchases of "Jelly Baby Song" as you can - and that this project is also about raising awareness of Type 1 Diabetes!

Maybe these resources can help you on your way.....

(Download .PDF)

(Download .PDF)

(Download .PDF)

When you're done - all funds raised can be....
to "Jelly Baby Song"!


There's almost no limit to what other ideas you can turn into reality
to raise funds for "Jelly Baby Song".

We'd encourage all initiatives to incorporate and promote as much purchasing of the song itself as possible - and "Jelly Baby Song" isn't just about raising funds but also about raising awareness of Type 1 Diabetes.

Regardless of whether your event eventuates in lots of digital downloads - or none - just imagine how much extra you can raise by simply asking for a gold coin donation, staging raffles or donating profits from a days trading, a weekend garage sale or any other event you can dream up!

All funds raised can be....
to "Jelly Baby Song"!